Wholesale Clothing – Providing Bargains for Your Customers

If you are someone with a passion for fashion then the only thing better than buying new clothes is buying new clothes at reduced prices. We all love bargains and revel in the thrill of finding them; however, they are often not available as much as we would like. High street stores tend to only offer worthwhile sale items in the summer and winter sales, while online clearance sections tend to a be a lottery ran on a ‘when it’s gone, it’s gone’ basis where all the good stuff goes early and anything else worthwhile is available in XXS or XXL with no in between.

Wouldn’t it be great if there were somewhere to go for clothes that offered sale prices all year round? Somewhere like a clearance section but with all the items in stock in the sizes you need.You could be that store – all you need is access to reputable wholesale clothes.

Wholesale Clothing – Providing Bargains for Your Customers

Wholesale Clothing

Wholesalers are places you have probably heard off; they specialise in purchasing items from manufacturers and offering them in bulk to retailers, who buy them, price them for profit,and sell them to us in stores. Wholesale clothes suppliers work in exactly the same way, except they specialise solely in clothing, as opposed to offering a few pieces alongside their more profitable food and drink markets.

If you own a fashion outlet, having access to a dedicated fashion wholesaler is invaluable. They do all the negotiating with manufacturers; they secure all the stock – all you need to do is pick out the items you want to sell and price them at profit to your customers.

Clothes wholesale suppliers secure stock from manufacturers in bulk and are able to sell in high volume as a result. With money made through selling in large quantities, mark up prices can be kept to a minimum, covering little more than operating costs. Smaller mark-up from them leads to only one thing – greater profits for you.

What Can You Buy?

Wholesalers in general do not have a great reputation for clothing, tending to offer a limited selection and lack of brand choices. Dedicated clothing wholesalers suffer none of these same problems. Clothing here is not a sideshow to food – it is central to the business. From t-shirts to shoes, you will find the clothing you need from top brands at hard to believe prices, giving you the edge over the competition.

Whatever you specialise in – men’s, women’s or children’s clothing – Fashion wholesale is the place to find it. Not only will you love getting your clothes this way, your customers will love you for it too.

Three Things You Might Not Know about Fashion Designers

The world of high fashion is dominated by a select group of designers whose names and reputations demand respect. Their designs are seen on the runways of Paris, Milan, New York, and London, as well as the red carpets of Hollywood and Cannes. Yet as powerful as the designers might be, who they are and what they do remains largely mysterious to the fashion buying public. No doubt, their creative thinking and working is so powerful which can dominate anyone to go and buy for the same. On the creative side, these designers are very famous to develop a great and stylish fashion in the market so that the world can follow the same and look stun all the time.

Three Things You Might Not Know about Fashion Designers

Here are three things you might not know about fashion designers:

1. Not All of Them Went to School

It is true there are some very elite fashion schools that have produced some very big names. However, not every A-list fashion designer has received a formal education. A good number of them started as interns learning to design the mid-range and low-end clothing manufacturers produce in mass quantities.

Among those that did go to school, some originally went to study art before turning to fashion. They learned about things like colour, form, texture, and visual perception. What they learned in art school they were able to translate into a successful fashion career.

2. Most Can Draw and Sew

The dual abilities of drawing and sewing are almost a necessity for the modern fashion designer. One must be able to draw unless he’s willing to create a complete outfit from scratch, put it on a mannequin, and take a picture that can be used for promotional and display purposes. And of course, temperamental designers would never trust someone else to produce a new prototype. They learn to sew in order to create their own prototypes.

3. They Don’t All Work for the Stars

There are only a handful of designers able to command the top money offered by celebrities. Guess what? Most fashion designers do not work for the stars. They work for clothing manufacturers who sell discount clothing to companies like web-based UKfashionwholesale.com.

We hope the limited information we have provided gives you a little better understanding of fashion designers. Suffice it to say that the means is there for you to be a fashion designer if that is what interests you. All it requires is a passion for design and a willingness to work hard.

Wholesale Clothing: Understanding the Pricing Structure

Is it fair to say that the discount clothing industry is incredibly competitive? We think so. Between well-established brick-and-mortar retailers and their online counterparts, consumers now have more choices than ever before. It turns out that discounted pricing structures reflect those choices. This concept is great for those businessmen who buy out wholesale or discounted clothing and resell them to the clients at a great price and make good amount of profit. In regards to the today’s market and economy to go with the inexpensive clothing is the best idea to live a stable life.

So just how do pricing structures work? Much of it comes down to the simple law of supply and demand. Nevertheless, both wholesalers and retailers always need to pay attention to what’s known in the business world as ‘margin’. A margin is the amount of profit earned as a percentage of the total revenue earned. In the world of clothing, wholesale margins are the primary driving force behind the price consumers pay at the retail location.

Wholesale Clothing - Understanding the Pricing Structure

Margins and Mark-Ups

A lot of people confuse margins and mark-ups as being the same thing. They are not. And in fact, an online company like UKfashionwholesale.com has to pay very close attention to both. Here is a brief definition of the terms:

• Margin – Think of the margin as how much money is left over after all the bills are paid. We will use small numbers to illustrate. Let’s just suppose the entire cost of doing business for one month is £100. If a company takes in £125, it has realised a £25 profit. The margin is calculated by dividing the profit by the total revenue. In this case, the margin would be 20%.

• Mark-Up – The mark-up is the amount of money the wholesaler adds to the price he paid to ensure all costs are covered and profit is earned. Decades ago, the standard retail mark-up was about 40% for clothing. Wholesale buyers would add £40 to the price for every £100 they spent. However, things have changed. The fierce competition brought on by Internet retailing has reduced those mark-ups dramatically.

A wholesale company like ours first takes a look at the amount of mark-up necessary to cover our costs and earn a profit. Then we may adjust the price in order to achieve the margin we desire. As long as we continue meeting our margin goals, we consider the business a success. Having said that, sometimes we have to accept lower margins during down times.

Seasonal Shopping: When Is It Too Soon to Buy?

To say the world of fashion is seasonal is more than an understatement. At least four times a year the clothing racks turn over with a completely new line of styles and fashions designed to prepare consumers for future weather and attitude changes. For a company that sells fashion wholesale, the various seasons are what mark the passage of time for business purposes. Speaking of wholesale clothing, it is available for all- women, men and children, so a retailer trading in any trade can attain the benefits by selling the cheap clothes at great prices.

Things are different at the consumer level. Sure, consumers will pay attention to seasons as a marker of time passing, but they often find themselves wondering when they should begin thinking about buying clothes for the next season. When is it too soon to buy? Is there a time when it’s too late to buy for the next season? These are the kinds of questions consumers struggle to find the answers to.

Seasonal Shopping - When Is It Too Soon to Buy

The Right Time to Buy

If you are concerned about buying too soon in a seasonal cycle, there are two things that act as very good guideposts:

1. Future Expectations – Companies like UK Fashion Wholesale concentrate on trying to cover the entire spectrum of wholesale clothes. That’s why you see so many sizes and styles on the racks.

If you are approaching a new season without any expectations for what that season might hold, you may want to delay your purchases. For example, you may want to hold off on buying a new swimsuit at the end of winter if you have no idea whether or not you will make it to the beach often enough in the coming summer to make it worthwhile.

2. Your Budget – The family budget is a great guidepost for determining if it’s too soon to buy. How so? Because of the simple reality that the new clothes of any season cost more when they first come out? The budget-minded consumer willing to wait until the end of the sales cycle will find prices a lot more appealing. If you are willing to take the risk that comes with shopping this way, then the early stage of a sales cycle is too soon for you.

How soon is too soon to buy wholesale clothes?

That is up to you, your expectations, and your budget. UK Fashion Wholesale specialises in the distribution of fashion wholesale. They source their products direct from manufacturers, leveraging their buying power to pass on the savings to retailers and individual customers.

The Difference between Cheap and Inexpensive Fashions

Anyone who has successfully made it in the retail fashion business knows how important marketing is. Simply put, marketing is the ability to reach your customer base with the right message that will inspire them to purchase your products. An important part of that message is the language used to convey it.

The importance of language can easily be seen in the words ‘cheap’ and ‘inexpensive’. Both words mean roughly the same thing at their core: costing less than similar products of equal quality. However, they do not mean the same thing from the perspective of the consumer. The obvious implication is that retailers need to be very careful about how they use these two words.

The Difference between Cheap and Inexpensive Fashions

The Perception of ‘Cheap’

When ordering sizeable lots of clothes, wholesale UK buyers love the word ‘cheap’. It’s a word that tells them they’re getting the best possible price on the products they are purchasing from manufacturers. However, retail consumers shopping in local stores see things differently. When something is described as being ‘cheap’, the average consumer comes away with the impression of poor quality, poor design, or something that the fashion world has already passed by. To the retail consumer ‘cheap’ is a dirty word.

Having said that, cheap wholesale clothing sold at a thrift store or established discount retailers is an entirely different matter. Patrons of such establishments shop there specifically because they are looking for the deeply discounted prices. For them, buying cheaply is what it is all about. Also buying cheap clothing doesn’t mean that you as a retailer need to compromise with the quality and trend. Quality will be the best and everything would be trendy, but only if you are in touch with the right service provider.

The Perception of ‘Inexpensive’

The word ‘inexpensive’ means something entirely different at the retail level. The average consumer views inexpensive products as those the store was able to purchase from clothing wholesalers at discount prices, without sacrificing quality and style. The term is one that encourages a positive reaction at the retail level.

At the end of the day, it’s very important how retailers describe their clothes. Wholesale UK buyers can use whatever terms they want without affecting the bottom line, but retailers must convey the fact that they are offering lower prices than the competition on products that are equally fashionable and high quality. At the end of the day, it all comes down to marketing.

UK Fashion Wholesale is one of the many clothing wholesalers supplying cheap wholesale clothing throughout UK distribution channels. Your ability to buy in bulk provides maximum savings for customers at the retail level.

Lowering Clothing Prices by Eliminating Overhead

It wasn’t too long ago that all of our clothing purchases were made at local shops and retail centres. Prior to the explosion of the Internet, the local retail model was the only way to bridge the gap between clothing wholesalers and the average customer on the street. Moreover, while the model accomplished its intended purpose, it had one fatal flaw that ended up being the driving force bind online commerce: overhead.

The term ‘overhead’ describes all of the extemporaneous things a business owner must pay for in order to make his products available to the general public. Overhead includes renting retail space, acquiring and maintaining storage space, maintaining a sales staff to work with customers, and so on. Overhead is the single biggest contributor to the mark-up retailers applies to their pricing structures.

Lowering Clothing Prices by Eliminating Overhead

Eliminating Overhead Reduces Costs

A 40% mark-up was not uncommon among clothing retailers a few decades ago. They needed to generate that kind of revenue to cover the costs of overhead. However, things are different today. Internet-based commerce has reduced mark-ups by eliminating overhead. Take UKfashionwholesale.com as just one example.

Because they operate using an online business model, they do not have the added costs that come with opening and maintaining retail outlets. They do not have to worry about shop space, local storage space, a sizeable sales force, and everything else that goes into the retail equation. This allows them to be one of the more competitive clothing wholesalers out there.

Wider Customer Base

Another thing to consider is that the online model gives the wholesaler a wider customer base. Using an online model to sell clothes wholesale, UK distributors can offer better pricing for both retailers and individual consumers. They earn profit from retailers by selling to them in volume, while the profit from individual consumers is earned by a slightly higher per-piece price. Both types of customers benefit by enjoying lower prices than they could get from a conventional wholesaler operating a brick-and-mortar enterprise.

The Internet age has accomplished a lot of great things most of us take for granted. One of those things is lowering the price of clothing by eliminating the excessive overhead costs that have plagued the retail sector for so long. Everybody seeking for exclusive purchase of wholesale clothing for a wholesaler, but one must need to spend some time in screening the good wholesalers in the market on whom we can rely upon. Once a retailer gets the hand of a trusted one, there is nothing to look back for anything.

How You Can Save Money Buying Direct from Wholesalers

The modern wholesale club is a concept that dates back to the early 1980s retail marketing. Wholesalers discovered they could sell directly to the public, thereby eliminating the retailer from the equation, at prices slightly higher than what they would normally charge retailers. Consumers still saved money because they were not paying the cost of the retail business. For safeguarding the money as well as profit of a retailer, only wholesalers and manufacturers can help a lot.

Today, the direct-to-consumer model is alive and well in wholesale clothing. There is certainly no shortage of online sellers and club stores taking advantage of bulk distribution pricing in order to sell directly to the public. For the average consumer, the model offers a great way to save a lot of money.

How You Can Save Money Buying Direct from Wholesalers

Buying in Bulk

When distributors buy clothes wholesale, they are buying lots that consist of thousands of pieces. The larger the lot size, the better price they get from manufacturers. The concept is based on making money through volume rather than individual pricing. In other words, a manufacturer is willing to earn less profit per-piece if he can sell more pieces. This is the principle of buying and selling in bulk.

Distributors turn around and sell the wholesale clothes to retailers. The retailers will buy in smaller lots, but they will still attempt to purchase as many individual pieces as they can. This affords them better prices as well. Although their bulk purchasing power is not as great as the distributor, it is still enough to allow them to offer competitive prices off the rack.

Buying Direct from Wholesalers

The direct-to-consumer model of the wholesale club makes it possible for retail customers to purchase wholesale clothes at cheaper prices than they can get from a retailer. Here’s how it works. Under the retail model, the wholesaler might sell a piece of clothing to the retailer for £10; the retailer adds a 40% mark-up for a final retail price of £14. When the wholesaler eliminates the retailer from the equation, he can sell the same item directly to the consumer for £12. He still makes more money per-piece while saving the consumer 20%.

And that’s how you save money buying direct from wholesalers.

Wholesale clothing is the primary business of UK Fashion Wholesale. The company purchases directly from manufacturers at bulk prices, then sells the clothes wholesale to both retailers and individual consumers. They carry a full line of fashions and accessories for every budget.

Discount Retail Stores Thrive on Excess Stock

Where do you buy most of your clothing? If you prefer retail shopping rather than buying online, you have two basic options: the normal retail outlet and the discount retail store. You probably also know that you can buy cheap wholesale clothing at discount stores without sacrificing quality. Style, on the other hand, is another matter. Why? Because discount retail stores thrive on the excess stock of manufacturers and distributors. For giving your customers a chance to get stylish, latest and great pricing clothes, then it is must to go with the correct wholesaler to meet out with your exact demand in order to earn profit.

Distributors that sell clothes wholesale to normal retailers are operating on a strategy designed to stay ahead of the game. In other words, they are selling summer fashions before winter is even concluded.

Discount Retail Stores Thrive on Excess Stock

This gives retailers the opportunity to acquire their inventory by mid-to-late spring. Clothing manufacturers work exactly the same way. The fashion wholesale business is often working nine months to a year ahead of the seasonal cycle in order to accommodate for the time necessary to work through all of the distribution channels. This strategy is the key to how discount retail stores make their money.

Disposing of Excess Stock

Manufacturers have no way to accurately project the number of pieces they will need to satisfy the demand of a future season. So what do they do? They err on the side of caution. In other words, they estimate what they might need and then add a little extra to cover all contingencies. It is better to have too much stock than not enough.

As the manufacturer nears the end of a seasonal cycle, they have excess stock they need to dispose of. They will sell it, at reduced prices, to a distributor specialising in cheap wholesale clothing. The distributor then turns around and sells the products to the discount retailer who purchases them in entire lots. The cheaper prices all the way down the line allow the discount retailer to also sell rather cheaply.

There is only one catch to the discounted model: the styles offered by discount retailers are often already in the past by the time products hits store shelves. Nevertheless, for the consumer who is not concerned about always having the latest styles, this is a non-issue. They still get high quality clothing at great prices.

UK Fashion Wholesale is a web-based business specialising in selling clothes wholesale to both retailers and individual customers. They know that in the world of fashion, wholesale pricing is possible without sacrificing style and quality.

Clothing Distribution – How Wholesale Fashion Works

It would be interesting to survey consumers about their impressions of how the retail clothing business operates. How many of them would understand the manufacturing and distribution process that gets clothing and fashion accessories from factories to retail locations? We suspect there’s a lot more ignorance out there than we care to admit.

Take t-shirts for example. They are one of the most basic of all clothing products and something worn nearly universally. Nevertheless, what does it take to get t-shirts from the person who makes them to the one who sells them? It requires a manufacturer, a distributor selling wholesale t-shirts to retailers, and the retailers to set up online or brick-and-mortar sales outlets.

Clothing Distribution - How Wholesale Fashion Works

The Manufacturer

The entire process begins with the manufacturer. That manufacturer creates the clothing from designs created in-house or from independent designers whose products they are licenced to manufacture.

Manufacturers seldom sell directly to consumers on the street. Instead, they sell their products to distributors at a price that covers their costs and puts some profit in their pockets.

The Distributor

The distributor, or wholesaler, purchases from clothing manufacturers in large lots. In fact, they buy as many individual pieces as they possibly can because they can get lower prices that way. Like the manufacturers, distributors resell the products they purchase at slightly marked up prices. The mark-up covers their costs of doing business as well as their profit margin.

The Retailer

The first two links in the fashion change are manufacturers and clothing wholesalers. UK retailers are the third and final link to ensure fashion products get to consumers. They purchase directly from the wholesalers at marked up prices, then apply their own mark-ups in the retail setting. As always, the price they charge covers their costs and earns them some profit.

Whether you are talking about wholesale T-shirts, footwear, formal wear or accessories, the distributor is the primary link that brings the entire chain together. The decisions made at the wholesale level not only determine pricing and availability on the retail market, they also determine what manufacturers will do in the future. If you are in the retail business, make sure to treat your wholesalers well. If you are in fashion clothing business then must purchase clothes at discounted prices and sell it with a good mark up prices and there is your income. There are endless resources you may have but go with the trusted wholesaler for getting material in quality as well as in a good pricing deed.

Buying Power the Key to Discounted Clothing Prices

When it comes to purchasing wholesale clothing, UK consumers have a lot of choices in terms of styles and prices. Nevertheless, why is it some companies charge significantly more for the exact same piece of clothing than others do? Some of it has to do with the cost of doing business at the wholesale and retail levels. However, buying power is also an important part of the equation.

Buying Power the Key to Discounted Clothing Prices

To illustrate the concept of buying power, we will use UKfashionwholesale.com as an example. The online fashion distributor purchases clothing and accessories directly from manufacturers around the world. They then turn around and sell those products directly to retailers and individual consumers.

The principle of buying power is directly related to how the company prices its wholesale clothing. Buying power is determined by the number of pieces they purchase from manufacturers. The total number of pieces in any given purchase is known as a ‘lot’.

Larger Lots, Better Prices

Clothing manufacturers produce so many articles of clothing that they don’t have to worry too much about getting a specific price per piece. Instead, they can structure their pricing based on volume. The higher the sales volume, the more money they make in the long run. So in order to encourage volume purchasing among distributors, they base their pricing on the size of the lots being purchased.

A larger lot translates to a lower price per piece. Therefore, a company like UKfashionwholesale.com seeks to buy lots that are as large as possible. Their ability to do so is what measures their buying power. The more they can purchase from the manufacturer, the lower the per-piece price they pay. They can then offer lower prices to their retailers and consumers.

The same principle applies to retailers purchasing wholesale clothing. UK retailers with greater buying power can purchase more pieces from distributors in larger lots. This affords them lower prices they can pass on to consumers through normal pricing. If their buying power is strong enough, they can afford to offer more frequent sales and discounts as well.

We hope that you now have a better understanding of buying power and how it affects clothing prices. Buying power is the key to a successful wholesale business. Undoubtedly, the clothing industry trend is driving and all the time, updating in a rapid manner. While collecting the wholesale clothes in bulk it is required for all to have the clothes that always in style as well as contains good demand in the market for at least a long run.